Need For Speed: 5 Incredible On-The-Go Breakfast Treats
You start the day with the best of intentions. Not only did you get up with the sun to squeeze in a sweat session before work, you actually remembered to take your vitamins for once. Next on the list?...
View Article5 Outfits To Help Ace 5 Different Interviews
There are few situations that are trickier to dress up for than an interview. On one hand, you've got to get your point across at first impression, which means condensing your aesthetic, your taste,...
View ArticleTavi, Alexa, Lena, Zoe, Alia: Amazing Gals Lip-Synch For Women's Rights
We aren't exactly ones to do what our favorite celebrities tell us. We also try hard, on this site, to present the election and the issues that face all women in an unbiased light. But when our...
View ArticlePreacher Phil Snider Talks Gay Rights, Presents Emotional Roller Coaster
We might not exactly be hot-off-the-presses with this video, but it is one we want to write about anyway. Over the weekend, this clip received two million views for a very, very legitimate reason....
View ArticleA Private Zadig & Voltaire Sample Sale Just For YOU — & Us
We've got a present for you, dear reader, and it comes in the form of a sale — a major sale. Preppy-meets-edgy line Zadig & Voltaire is holding its annual sample sale this week, and we're hooking...
View ArticleFashion Role Models: Obakki's Fall Line Gives 100% Back To South Sudan
Before we go on and on about Obakki's fall '12 collection that benefits South Sudan, here's your 10-second crash course on why it's so important: Located in war-torn central Africa, Sudan was...
View ArticleGet A Little Piece Of This Absolutely Fabulous Auction
Before Carrie Bradshaw, there was Edina and Patsy, the drunken, hysterical underbelly to SJP's perky writer. Absolutely Fabulous proved that an inside look at the world of high fashion wasn't always...
View ArticleMichael Mina And Michelle Branch Talk New Cooking Show & More!
For all of you Food Network junkies out there, we've got another hot cooking show to put on your radar. It's called Cook Taste Eat, and it's the brainchild of legendary S.F.-based chef and...
View ArticleStill Sleeping On Your Childhood Sheets? Urban Outfitters Can Help
Few among us can resist Urban Outfitters' on-trend basics, adorable accessories, and surprisingly luxe beauty supplies (we'll take a Mason Pearson brush in pink, please). But even we Urban lovers have...
View ArticleA Delicious Local Dish (Literally!) That's Making Us Hungry
Honestly ask yourself: When was the last time you relied on a map? With handy smartphone apps and GPS devices loaded into every set of wheels, TripTiks are pretty much extinct (sorry, AAA!). Plus, for...
View ArticleSurprise Third Party Swoops In And Steals The Show At The #Debates
When Obama and Romney prepared for the debate this afternoon, they knew who they'd be up against. Or at least they thought they did. But one thing they didn't expect? John Kerry swooping in like an...
View ArticleDebate Night: The First Lady Wears Thom Browne, Part II
Update: We loved seeing the first lady looking stunning yet again in this same Thom Browne dress at tonight's final presidential debate. Clearly, this high-stakes evening was one for designers, not...
View ArticleFinal Round: What You Missed In Last Night's Presidential Debate
Now matter which side, if any, you're on, we can all breathe a collective sigh of relief tonight that the presidential debates are finally over. We don't know about you guys, but for us, these past...
View ArticleIs This The DMV's Most Creative Office? Let's Take A Look...
Every so often, you meet someone who makes you go, "Dang, she's got her act together!" — and then immediately start to re-evaluate your priorities, productivity levels, and maybe even your choice of...
View Article5 Things To Know This AM
Taste the rainbow! Here's a visual guide to the groovy color trends from the New York, London, Milan, and Paris spring '13 fashion shows. (Fashionista) Emma Stone made a minute-long guest appearance...
View Article5 Things To Know This AM
Walking for the cure is fun and all, but how about strutting for it? Nine West and Runway Relief are trying to make that easier; tapping DIY bigwigs like Honestly WTF, to create one-of-a-kind pumps...
View ArticleHands Down The Chicest Cocktail Rings For Less Than $50
As R29 editors, it's in our job descriptions to have our fingers on the pulse of fashion. And, with that completely intentional pun, we've decided that said digits should be outfitted properly with...
View ArticleNow Trending In Austria: Lederhosen?
The elsewise dependable BBC is claiming that traditional lederhosen and dirndl dresses (ledhosen's feminine counterparts in the rustic Bavarian apparel game) have "recently become rather fashionable."...
View ArticleFashion Plates: What To Wear To 3 Hot New Restos
As busy city dwellers, it's hard to get in touch with our domestic side. Sure, we'd love to be able to whip up a delicious meal with the ease and beauty of Giada or Sandra (how do they do it?), but,...
View Article3 Editors, 6 Under-$50 Looks. We Did It!
It doesn't really require much style savvy or sartorial dexterity to walk into Barneys and emerge bearing an amazing outfit. If you really want to see if a self-proclaimed fashion pro is worth his/her...
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