Should you gun the engine or slam the brakes? This week could feel like a mind-boggling medley of stops and starts as go-getter Mars locks into a tangled angle with take-it-slow Saturn. Haste makes waste — but careful not to get stuck in the mud. The key to getting into action is to make a plan and then slowly proceed, giving yourself a chance to assess each move along the way. As the saying goes, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
On Thursday — one day before the (glug) inauguration — the sun zings into activism-oriented Aquarius for a month. Grab your picket sign and pussy hat because the January 21 Women's March (on Washington and all across the country) couldn't happen at a more astrologically appropriate time. This community-oriented solar cycle is like a wake-up call from the heavens. There's strength in numbers now: Find your tribe and strengthen your message through the power of collective voice and action.

December 22 to January 19
Shift into Sherlock mode, Capricorn. This week, you need cold, hard facts to confirm your suspicions — or deny them! Not knowing what's up is bringing needless stress. Dig for real deal info — and make sure it comes from a reliable source. There's far too much fake news out there, as we've all learned. In some cases, it might even be worth spending a few extra dollars to consult a professional for advice. Or, ask the questions you've been afraid to put on the table. With fearless Mars nudging your ruling planet, straightlaced Saturn, a simple, straightforward convo could do the trick.
On Thursday, sweep up the cake crumbs and pack up the bubbly. Capricorn Season officially draws to a close (sniff), marking the end of your b-day celebrations. The sun treks into Aquarius and your second house of finances and security until February 18 — and you'll honestly enjoy the industrious groove this brings. Think back to December 21. You may have had the ideas and brainstorms, but not necessarily the follow through. Starting Thursday, put your money where your mouth is and see if your brilliant schemes can pan out. But first, it’s time for a budget overhaul. Have you put enough into your retirement accounts? Are you paying off your credit cards in a timely way? (Read: more than just the interest fee.) A little belt-tightening now will spell easier living in the days ahead.
Illustrated by Alia Penner.Photographed by Jason Rodgers.

January 20 to February 18
How much togetherness is too much togetherness? This week, a clash between energetic Mars and cautious Saturn could have you reconsidering some of the dynamics within your squad. Are you constantly "taking one for the team" while others benefit from your sacrifices? This might be leaving you feeling a wee bit under appreciated. But blowing up at everyone isn't the answer. We teach people how to treat us, Aquarius. Stop spoiling people and lovingly ask them to step up to the plate. If your friend group is squabbling over finances, start divvying things up fairly again. Make sure checks are evenly split — and that the inconsiderate friend who orders apps and bottles without consent doesn't expect everyone else to pick up the tab.
On Thursday, put those bubbles on ice. Aquarius Season officially begins as the sun moves into your sign until February 18. For the past month, you’ve been on an emo rollercoaster — and it's time to hop off. This refreshing solar cycle gives you a new perspective. All those stumbling blocks and dead end streets were golden lessons, guiding you away things that weren't actually good for you. Now, you’re now ready to take on new challenges. Set your personal goals — and use these science-backed tricks to stay motivated. Just make sure you don’t overbook yourself now. You don’t want to miss the best part of your birthday season: spontaneity!
Illustrated by Alia Penner.Photographed by Jason Rodgers.

February 19 to March 20
Real talk, Pisces: Are you being stubborn just to win the score? Digging in your statement heel might make you feel powerful for a minute, but it won't bring about the real solution: cooperation. As hotheaded Mars clashes with recalcitrant Saturn this week, you'll need to make an extra effort to be collaborative. May we even suggest giving up control and handing the reins over to someone else? Sharing the leadership can help you get things done faster and more efficiently. Plus, it will signal to your team that you actually trust them (even if you have to fake it 'til you make it until Friday...) That doesn't mean letting go of the wheel completely, of course. Just be more of a director than a doer.
On Thursday, let the healing begin! The sun moves into Aquarius and your 12th house of closure until February 18. Your social life could slow down during this solitary solar spell — but you'll be happy to have more time to lounge in the tub. This breather also gives you a chance to tie up any loose ends from 2016. What projects didn't quite make it to the finish line? You've got four weeks until the Sun moves into your sign, so used this time to literally and figuratively clear out some space. Konmari the hell out of your closets and unmatch from the Tinder fails. Along the way, get your body back in balance with yoga, healthy food and lots of water.
Illustrated by Alia Penner.Photographed by Jason Rodgers.

March 21 to April 19
Downsizing is one thing Aries, especially in a new year. But this week you could easily go overboard with the minimalist jag. By all means, clear away the last dregs of 2016 — and sage like hell to remove traces of that toxic ex! Got a big cleanup project to deal with? Break down the mission into parts, starting with the non-nostalgic objects. If you feel even a slight heartstring tug, put the item in a "maybe" bin and revisit it in a few weeks' time. With rash Mars and cautious Saturn at odds this week, getting rid of anything too quickly could bring regrets. So, yeah, Aries, maybe hold onto that costume jewelry your grandma gave you, even if it’s not worth money. You can always pass it on to another relative or have it updated into a more modern statement piece.
On Thursday, the radiant sun beams into Aquarius and your 11th house of friends and group activities for a month. Life will feel like an extended happy hour until February 18, with you helming the operative as entertainment direction. Make room at the table for more — there’ll be so many interesting people to meet over the coming four weeks! The 11th house also rules technology, so let your inner geek out too play. Got a great idea for an app? Designs on becoming the next YouTube celebrity? Start developing those dot-com dreams!
Illustrated by Alia Penner.Photographed by Jason Rodgers.

April 20 to May 20
Mantra time! Sharing is caring. Repeat as necessary this week, Taurus, as you pool resources with friends to cut back on costs. Post-holidays, your bank balance may have dropped a little alarmingly even. Consider this a creative challenge to tackle with your squad. Budget doesn't have to be a dirty word — not even for your luxe-loving sign. Groupon a night out or turn your schmancy dinner parties into potlucks. Splurging on a big ticket item isn't out of the question — provided you split the cost with your pals. (What did those traveling pants teach us, after all?) Or stay home and Netflix — and divvy up the cost of the pizza.
Thursday, the sun roars into Aquarius — and not a moment too soon for you. Your ambitious 10th house is lit until February 18 and it's time to focus on the highest goal you want to hit. This solar cycle makes you unstoppable while clearing a path to the top. Eyeing the corner office? Or perhaps you want to venture out on your own...or ask for a raise? We say, do it! Just be sure to map it out first and really think through the details. Taurus, that level of planning is you at your best: Challenge accepted!
Illustrated by Alia Penner.Photographed by Jason Rodgers.

May 21 to June 20
This week could feel like a retro ABBA song. No, not "Dancing Queen" (sigh); more like "S.O.S." With stressful Mars and sober Saturn jockeying for attention, you could become easily overwhelmed. If you’re struggling to manage your workload or stay on top of day-to-day details, just ask for help from your colleagues. Or, dump the pride and lean on your squad. That's what friends are for, Gemini, so cut yourself some slack. Need to finesse your professional relationships? The stars have your back, especially if it involves someone a bit higher up on the food chain. Maybe it’s time for drinks with the boss? Some solid one-on-one time can strengthen an important professional relationship this week. Pro tip: treat for the coffees!
On Thursday, the sun blazes into Aquarius and your worldly ninth house. Find an Instagrammable spot, pack your bags and hop a flight before February 18. (Now...where is that passport of yours?) An adventurous trip will make 2017 unforgettable but there are other ways to expand. Some Geminis will be inspired to start a small business, apply for grad school or work with a private teacher. Rule of thumb for the next four weeks: Dream first and add that annoying reality filter later. The bigger you go, the larger your dream, the more likely you are to achieve something rewarding. Why aim small? The world is yours!
Illustrated by Alia Penner.Photographed by Jason Rodgers.

June 21 to July 22
Aim for the stars, Cancer, but keep one foot planted in the reality zone. Make-it-happen Mars tussles with cautious Saturn this week, which could bring a series of stops and starts. Goals that seemed epically impossible can come to life — if you break your missions down into manageable parts and even try these scientifically proven tips. To-do lists are your friends, Cancer. Plan out your next steps, and then, plan some more. Micromanaging (without breathing down people's necks) will help you go even further until Thursday, when you can make some solid moves.
On Thursday, the Sun slinks into Aquarius and your intense and seductive eighth house. You’re craving a real soul connection — with erotic side benefits. Stop hiding behind DMs and filtered 'grams. To manifest that sultry vibe, you'll need face time, not Facetime. (Practice these first date questions if you need some conversation starters.) Cupid could strike early! Before February 18, single Cancers might meet the Tinder match of their dreams, or at least a good contender for cuffing season. Already hooked up? The two of you could take that big next step, from ring shopping to key exchanges — even the baby convo! #OMG
Illustrated by Alia Penner.Photographed by Jason Rodgers.

July 23 to August 22
Your energy — for better or worse — is contagious this week, thanks to a tangled angle between stressful Mars and perfectionist Saturn. If you’re worried and anxious, the people around you will pick up on your vibe. Maybe it's time for an "om shanti" moment. Get thee to the yoga studio or see if these tactics might convince you to start meditating. Should you inadvertently wreak havoc on a group dynamic, fix it with by heaping on the praise of your partners-in-crime. Take a breather from social media: You don’t need to tweet about every mood swing. This too shall pass, Leo, and soon everyone will be clamoring to get next to you — just the way you like it.
Beginning Thursday, you're feeling the cuffing season vibes big time. The life-affirming sun makes its monthlong visit to Aquarius and your seventh house of relationships. In business or pleasure, put more effort into nurturing your partnerships. The seeds you plant now will deliver gorgeous blooms in a short amount of time. You’re a giver by nature, but sometimes you tend to go overboard, Leo. (What, you?) Make sure anyone in your orbit right now is worth your time and energy. Long time couples looking to make it official? (Hello, wedding bells!) Make sure you’re really on the same page before you eye any diamonds.
Illustrated by Alia Penner.Photographed by Jason Rodgers.

August 23 to September 22
Two is a party, Virgo — but this week, three (and four, and five) is a crowd. If your well-meaning friends and relatives keep butting into your love life, it’s time to shut that down. Keeping a relationship on track is hard enough without worrying about everyone else's happiness. But then again, did you ask for advice one too many times? Take responsibility for your part in the dynamic. Close the opinion polls, at least for a little while, so you don't drum up needless worry — and meddling! If you and your S.O. are in choppy waters, find a neutral mediator. Just make sure this person isn’t part of your family tree!
On Thursday, recommit to your New Year’s resolutions (remember those?), especially any involving self-care. The Sun heads into Aquarius and your sixth house of wellness, revving your motivational tanks until February 18. After an indulgent month, you're ready to get back on track. The wellness wagon is here, hop aboard! Instead of depriving yourself, just add more healthy fare to your plate—a kale salad with the burger, say. Do some heart-pumping exercise, and catch up on your beauty rest. There’s no getting around a busy work schedule — especially yours, Virgo — so aim to get more organized and streamlined. We bet there’s an app or two for that!
Illustrated by Alia Penner.Photographed by Jason Rodgers.

September 23 to October 22
Did your gym buddy bail on you? Don't give up on your self-care routines this week, Libra. With anxious Mars and sober Saturn at odds, burning off stress — and finding your inner calm —are a must. Nab one of these fitness deals, create a motivating new playlist get thee to the gym or spin studio! You may be feeling sluggish, but once you get moving, your energy levels will rise. Apply that same determination at work. Don’t let your slowpoke colleagues get in your way. Hatch an action plan and forge ahead on your own. Just be mindful of the power pyramid so you don't step on anyone's turf along the way.
On Thursday, St. Valentine could make an early arrival as the sun floats into Aquarius and your fifth house of romance through February 18. The sequins and bubbly of the holidays (and, uh, yeah post holidays) might be in the rearview, but that doesn’t mean the celebrations are over. This week calls for some major life-affirming mojo — and definitely a metallic skirt. If any of your extracurriculars aren’t "sparking joy," swipe left. That includes relationships. It’s about creating space for something new — Cupid needs to find a target, after all. Quibbling couples, kiss and make up in one of these V-Day worthy destinations.
Illustrated by Alia Penner.Photographed by Jason Rodgers.

October 23 to November 21
Delayed gratification is the theme of the week, Scorpio — especially when it comes to amour. (Ugh, we know.) With lusty Mars and take-it-slow Saturn duking it out, this slower pace can bring serenity. Stop and do a rethink on all your closest connections. Your goal is to restore a balanced give-and-take; to keep the scales of love equal. Are you always the first to text, the one to make the plans, or even the one who winds up paying for everything? Practice the fine art of restraint and see if your friends and dates start pulling their weight. This is an exercise in trust, Scorpio. But you'll never see the truth if you keep jumping in and handling everything without giving other people a chance to reciprocate!
Slow your roll starting on Thursday, when the Sun skips out of your social third house and nests into Aquarius and your domestic zone until February 18. Goodbye social butterfly, hello domestic goddess. Your home life and family will be top priority this next month. Chat with old friends, reconnect to relatives, and even disappear for some much needed alone time. Make your space more of a sanctuary — instead of just a place to crash between party plans. If you're looking to move, start your search now. You could be packing up by March!
Illustrated by Alia Penner.Photographed by Jason Rodgers.

November 22 to December 21
Ever hear the phrase “bull in a china shop?” That could be you this week, Sagittarius, if you don't dial it down a bit. With rash Mars battling structured Saturn, you could do accidental damage by barreling in. No need to prove that you're a badass. That "I've got it handled" attitude could actually be a detriment, alienating people who are there to support you. Take a gentler approach — and clarify! Spell out what you need and make clear requests of people. And if they say no, don't get pissed — just find someone else who can help. Another option? Rally your squad for a collective brainstorming session. When people feel more invested and respected, they’re also more likely to care about the outcome.
Let your social butterfly out to play on Thursday! The Sun flutters into Aquarius and your social third house until February. Going stir-crazy? Get out and explore — just wear snow boots instead of stilettos, okay? A new class or mermaid fitness studio (it’s a thing) might thrill you but hold off on paying for the annual membership. During this dabbling solar cycle, there's something to be said for playing the field. Follow your whims! Fast new connections will pop up at every turn. Initiate hangouts, drinks, and friend dates. Your popularity is on the rise! Single? Get back on the dating apps and let friends fix you up. Attached? Less Netflix, more date nights — out of the house.
Illustrated by Alia Penner.Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
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