George W. Bush Struggling With His Poncho Is All Of Us
Today's presidential inauguration marked the start of a new era. It also gave us the gift of memes. Multiple, amazing memes.First, Michelle Obama's priceless reaction to first lady Melania Trump's...
View ArticleSelena Gomez & The Weeknd Partied Together At A John Mayer Show
Selena Gomez and The Weeknd haven't confirmed their reported romance, but they certainly seem to enjoy each other's company.The pair were first spotted kissing in Santa Monica last week. On Thursday,...
View ArticleIna Garten Just Made Us Very Happy With This Instagram Post
Ina Garten, a constant beam of hope in this world, just got us pumped up with one Instagram post. Exactly three months after the official release of her most recent cookbook, Cooking for Jeffrey, and...
View ArticleWhat Was Ivanka Telling Us With That White Pantsuit?
Hillary Clinton arrived at Donald Trump’s inauguration this morning clad in a white pantsuit, reminiscent of the one that she wore as she accepted the Democratic nomination for president. It was no...
View Article32 Super-Romantic Places To Elope
Photo: Getty Images.To some, the term “elope” still conjures images of hasty lovers stumbling into clandestine chapels, or frugal pairs looking to save a few pennies on the guest list.But elopements...
View ArticleDonald Trump's Inauguration Crowd Much Smaller Than Normal
Donald Trump was inaugurated President today. He did so in front of a crowd that paled against his predecessor's, as people stayed away in droves. Images of Barack Obama's inauguration alongside...
View ArticleThis Beauty Vlogger Went Back To Her Natural Hair — & Documented It All On...
Going back to your natural hair is a complicated transition for many women to make. And beauty vlogger Megan (UloveMegz) wanted to document the process. After focusing most of her YouTube tutorials on...
View ArticleWoman Live-Tweets Her #AllLadyPlane To The Women's March & It Is Everything
Today is a pretty dark day. I mean, when your incoming president plagiarizes a comic book supervillain in his inauguration speech, it's tough not to feel like the apocalypse is at hand. Writer Ann...
View ArticleThe Kylie Jenner Lawsuit Drama Just Took An Interesting Turn
Update: It doesn't take a law degree to realize something's happened in the ongoing drama between Los Angeles makeup artist Vlada Haggerty and Kylie Jenner's camp. This really is everything 😍 Check out...
View ArticleThe Last Official Images Of Obama Leaving The White House Are Haunting
Official White House photographer Pete Souza has captured some iconic images over the years. He's gotten everything from silly to touching and everything in between. Now, he's posted a series of final...
View ArticleMore Than 200 Arrested After Inauguration Violence
Spencer Platt / Getty Images Today's protests against Donald Trump's inauguration span the globe: ABC cites incidents ranging from San Francisco to NYC's Trump Tower, and Reuters reports on sympathy...
View ArticleDonald Trump Gets Secure Phone, Will Hopefully Use It
The Washington Post / Getty ImagesDonald Trump's phone etiquette is the stuff of legend. The Washington Post reports that he's been mostly isolated since winning the election, preferring to conduct...
View ArticleTrump's First Executive Orders: Attack Obamacare, Raise Taxes
Donald Trump signed several executive orders just minutes after the end of his inaugural parade. The earliest of them were designed to remove protections for middle-class homeowners, appoint people to...
View ArticleThe Imaginary Inauguration That Happened In The BBC's Subtitles Is Way Better...
This morning, in this world, Donald Trump became the 45th President of the United States. This morning, in an entirely different world that exists only in our imaginations but also apparently in the...
View ArticleThis Dog's Story Will Restore Your Faith In The Universe & Bacon
We've dealt with enough today. From inauguration violence to animal cruelty to baffling 1700s fashion revivals, it's been a doozy. So it's high time the universe — that is, Canada, no surprise there —...
View ArticleIvanka Trump Sparkled Like A Princess At Inaugural Ball
Aaron P. Bernstein / Getty ImagesEarlier today, first daughter Ivanka Trump wore an off-white pantsuit (that may or may not have been an homage to suffragists) to her father's inauguration ceremony....
View ArticleCrazy Ex-Girlfriend Recap: Santa Ana Winds
I'll be honest: When I previewed the three songs from tonight's episode of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, I was concerned. I didn't understand how a change in weather could be an entire plot. And Darryl's...
View ArticleMelania Trump Channels Angelina Leg At Inaugural Ball
SAUL LOEB / Getty ImagesJust one day into her husband's presidency, we've already seen first lady Melania Trump in two very tailored outfits (one for a wreath-laying ceremony yesterday and one for the...
View Article2017 Is Officially The Year Of Bizarre Beauty Treatments
When the clock struck midnight on New Year's Eve, we happily kissed goodbye 100 layer challenges, neck contouring, and penis eyeliner (but not pimple-popping videos — those are never going away). Out...
View ArticleHow To Follow & Support The Women's March Online
On Saturday, January 21, hundreds of thousands of women and men around the country are expected to participate in Women's Marches to stand up for civil rights, equality, and justice under an already...
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