Party On: 3 Easy Holiday Hors D’oeuvres
Thanksgiving’s over, guys. And just as you lay there on your childhood bed, soaking up daytime TV and rocking your food baby, a whole new tradition is about to begin — Holiday Party Blitzkrieg: the...
View ArticleYes, You Can Be A Morning Person—3 Early Birds Show You How
UPDATE: Chilly mornings can make it even harder to crawl out of bed. Luckily, we asked three in-the-know early risers to share their secrets for beating the snooze button. This story was originally...
View ArticleInside The Closet Of BCBGMAXAZRIA's Leading Lady
[UPDATE: This story was originally published on June 12.]We pretty much had to pick up our jaws off the marble floors upon stepping inside Lubov Azria's Holmby Hills estate, dubbed La Maison du...
View ArticleS.F. Juice Map: Drink To Your Health At These 24 Tasty Spots
[UPDATE: This story was originally published on September 19.]If you've been keeping your ear to the ground when it comes to local-food news, you'll know that juice has been trending of late. Long a...
View ArticleWhat The What? You Must Check Out This Crazy '50s Beauty Ad
In our opinion, the world of beauty advertising is always pushing the limits of believability, what with CGI tarantula eyelashes, over-photoshopped models, and hair so "long and billowing" that it...
View ArticleGood Karma All Around: Give A Gift That Gives Back
Already checking off your holiday shopping list? Good for you. But what about that one person? You know, that one. The one you placed at the bottom of the list. The one who seems to have everything....
View ArticleThis Study Will Predict Your Death, Just As Soon As You Ditch Your Alarm
We're generally of the opinion that death is best left a mystery. Why dwell on some weird Final Destination scenario when there's no way of knowing for sure when and how you'll go? Right? Well, sorta....
View ArticleAre These Plus-Size Mannequins Progressive, Or Just Weird?
When it comes to body image in this country, it's safe to say a little honesty goes a long way for us all. Despite the advances of healthy, beautiful role models in the last decade, the cult of skinny...
View Article12 Cozy (& Adorable!) PJs To Get You Through Wintry Nights
Let's be honest: When it's cold out, nothing sounds (or feels) as good as staying in your PJs all day. Why? Because those aforementioned jammies also happen to be the most comfortable clothes you own,...
View Article5 Things To Know This AM
Here's a primer on one of the greatest holiday traditions in NYC. Yes, we're talking holiday windows, and this year they're impressing us more than ever before...especially the way they use Kosher...
View Article5 Things To Know This AM
Think you're pampered? You have literally nothing on Jonathan Adler. The furniture designer and maker of many dream apartments told Bon Appétit that despite having no children, he has a nanny for...
View ArticleCoat Stalking! 15 Hot Coats, 15 Cool New Yorkers
Just call us Pavlov's dogs: We're conditioned to bundle up, even if it comes at the expense of an adorable outfit. It sucks. And, even more sucky: The time-wasting that comes with figuring said topper...
View ArticleEven MORE Behind-The-Scenes Snaps From The New Pirelli Calendar
UPDATE: The 2013 Pirelli Calendar is coming out next week, and buzz just keeps on building! We showed you a sneak peak with some candid snaps from the shoot a while back, but now, we've got a bigger...
View Article12 Of The Weirdest, WTF Things For Sale On Chicago Craigslist
We don't know about you, but Cyber Monday is the way to go. No crowds, sales abound — and you don't even have to get out of your PJs. Even so, the virtual shopping mall can get overwhelming, to say...
View ArticleThis Year's 10 Hottest Breakthrough Designers
Call it our raison d'être. Or maybe it's an obsession. But, since the dawn of R29, we've been on a serious hunt for the next Rodarte/Alex Wang/Prabal, sussing out each class of new designers for the...
View ArticleYour Horoscope For The Week Of November 26
With 2013 just a few short weeks away, prepare for a fresh opportunity to truly live the life you are meant to, while contributing to the world at large. For more astrological guidance, KimLoveMuse is...
View ArticleThe Ultimate London Shopping Guide, Straight From Our R29 Editors!
Greetings, London! As you've probably heard, we're headed across the pond this winter, and our whole team at Refinery29 couldn't be more excited. So, to fully partake in the festivities, we picked our...
View ArticleHere's How To Score The Top Hairstyles From 3 L.A. Runway Stars
Chalk it up to the iCal overflowing with holiday functions, but something about this season always sends our desire to switch things up into overdrive. Maybe we're jumping the New Year's resolution...
View Article5 Of S.F.’s Coolest Baking Babes To Watch Now!
Still shaking off the Thanksgiving food coma? We feel you. Between second helpings of turkey, stuffing, and pie, we’re still in something of a stuffed-silly haze, too. But, since we’re on the topic of...
View ArticleNot Your Grandma's Silk Scarves: Rei Kawakubo Teams With Hermès
Since the visionary behind the Comme des Garçons label, Rei Kawabuko, never truly intended to become a fashion designer, we can call her latest collaboration another very happy accident along her...
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