Luxe, Eco-Con Products That'll Get You Psyched For Laundry Day
We admit we don’t exactly look forward to laundry day, but we’ll also admit that we live for the big payoff — fresh linens, soft towels, warm stacks of clothes, and a blissfully empty hamper. But if...
View ArticleDaring 'Dos: Clever Ways To Style Your Strands
Sigh. Excuse us, but we're feeling massively bored with our hair right now. Looking in the mirror every a.m., we just can't muster up the interest to do anything than our usual tired ponytail or loose...
View ArticleStaten Island Diary: 1 Editor Shares His Harrowing Stories & Photos
Staten Island is one-fifth of New York City, and while it might not be the first borough to pop into mind when The Big Apple is mentioned, it is a vital and iconic part of the NYC identity. Our hearts...
View ArticleSo You Don't Have To Ask: Your Electoral College Questions, Answered
If you haven’t watched much of the second-by-second coverage of presidential elections in the past (and if you were busy scoping out the hotties during civics class), you may be having a hard time...
View ArticleOh F*ck: This New Tome Is Like The Sartorialist Gone NSFW
Savvy fashionistos have long been turning to F**k Yeah Menswear for the snarkiest of all guy style, and now you can display its wit on your coffee table. The (slightly) off-kilter blog, which covers...
View Article10 Haute Hobo Bags That Will Keep You Looking Good On The Go
More often than not, we look like urban gypsies with the amount of stuff we schlep around on a daily basis. From overstuffing our purses to giving in and carrying multiple bags, we all need a carryall...
View ArticleDeck Your Domicile With 12 Chic (& Cheap!) Zara Home Finds
When Zara Home (finally!) began offering online shopping last month, we had to stifle our shrieks of glee. The Spanish mega-chain that actually made us excited to shop for work clothes with its...
View ArticleWe Vote Yes To This Must-Try Election Day-Themed Cocktail
First things first, if you haven’t already cast your vote or hit up the polls — what are you waiting for? Once that part is complete and you’ve filled out your ballot, we recommend taking off the...
View Article30 Granny-Chic Pieces That Are SO Not Geriatric
While aging is something we obviously try to avoid at all costs, any woman of a certain age will dispel that infinite wisdom comes with every birthday candle blown out. Gloria Vanderbilt, Iris Apfel,...
View ArticleTomboys Take Note: Dress Well, Play Hard
Confession: We never really, fully grew out of our elementary-school tomboy phase. Sure, we've traded in our jerseys for jersey-knit dresses, but we will always have to resist the urge to throw on...
View ArticleCongratulations, Florida: You're The Most Important State, For Now
Well, you had your fifteen minutes — all the results aren't in yet, but major news outlets from Fox to MSNBC have called it in favor of Obama, who's also leading in Florida for now. Reports are coming...
View ArticleAnnnnnd The Winner Of The 2012 Presidential Campaign Is...Barack Obama
After months of campaigning (and more than one million presidential ads — 40% more than we saw in 2008, in case you were wondering), we have an answer. With 274 electoral votes to Mitt Romney's 203 —...
View Article11 Too-Pretty Hair Accessories To Brighten Up Winter 'Dos
Believe it or not, we're cruising toward that time of year when it's legitimately cold out — so cold, in fact, that our go-to street-style look will soon be just a cute coat-and-scarf combo. And while...
View Article5 Things To Know This AM
Marc Jacobs goes for the gold with a vibrant pair of fingerless cashmere gloves designed for Veuve Clicquot. Champagne in the middle of winter never sounded so good! ( Fashion's latest...
View Article16 Amazing Party Dresses To Wear To ALL Your Seasonal Shindigs
Enough with the ugly sweaters and elf ears! It's time to ditch the Bridget Jones's Diary ensemble and chic up your cocktail game this holiday season (instead, channel, say, Megan Draper from Mad Men)....
View ArticleOnly Miss Dior Marion Cotillard Could Pull Off This Dress
Our list of reasons to worship Marion Cotillard goes on and on. After ruling the summer box offices with The Dark Knight, the French fox has returned to the red carpet to promote her new film, Rust...
View Article5 Things To Know This AM
No matter what holiday you're celebrating this winter, you can bet that some guy in your family needs to be gifted a better looking scarf, and fast. Thankfully, Alexander Olch has a new line available...
View ArticleGrab Your S.O.: 16 Cozy Date Spots For Rad Romance
So, you've put together a killer ensemble and booked that blowout. Now, where to go with that hot date of yours? While Chicago certainly has its share of sublime restos and bars, not all of them are...
View ArticleThese Pretty Post-Its Made For Ladies Are Confusing To Us
So, this is making us feel feelings. These small, brightly colored Post-It dispensers are certainly clever, rendered in darling little cases like mini-purses, mirrored compacts, and a note-dispersing...
View Article8 Beauty Tricks That Work While You Sleep
Sleeping Beauty had the right idea: Get your much-needed rest and wake up looking amazing (with a handsome prince just waiting to cater to your every whim when you arise, natch). And while we may not...
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