Dang! Disney Buys Lucasfilm For $4.05 Billion
In a move that certainly left many Star Wars fans stunned, George Lucas announced yesterday that Disney is acquiring his super-cinematic, Marin-based empire, Lucasfilm, for a neck-snapping $4.05...
View ArticleKristen Stewart Learns How To Be Human In This New Twilight Clip
Look, everyone! Someone is actually telling Kristen Stewart to slouch! In this just-released The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2 clip, a newly vampiric Bella struggles to appear human. For the...
View ArticleSandy Heroes: Free Phone-Charging Stations In Flatiron
For those among us who made the trek uptown yesterday, you might have seen the Brightbox charging stations at 28th Street and 5th Avenue, where you could charge your iPhone, Android, or Blackberry...
View ArticleSmells Like Team Spirit! A Halloween And Giants Makeup Lesson
If you haven’t headed out the door to set up camp at the Giants parade yet, we suggest you take a peep at this stellar and appropriately themed makeup tutorial before hitting the pavement. Since today...
View ArticleWhat To Wear To Meet (& Impress!) The Parents
It’s bound to happen. At some point, your significant other will ask you to meet the parents. You’ll be walking on air, gliding along in those chic loafer platforms on a cloud of infatuation, and then...
View ArticleCaption This! Constance Jablonski For Antidote Magazine, By Txema Yeste
Winning caption: "To Constance's defense, the instructions for putting on the fishnet tights were not very clear." —Leah Karabenick Runner-up:"Leave a message and I'll call you back." —Jamila Lewis...
View ArticleFirst Details On Angelina Jolie's Wedding Dress!
Every time we're reminded of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt's upcoming wedding, we have a double-take moment — it seems like they've been married forever! But that passes, and the excitement begins to...
View ArticleThe Obama Girls Step Out With Dad, Make Us Jealous
You know it's a rough day when you're jealous of a 14-year-old's outfit. While many of us R29ers are on our third day of working in sweatpants and rain boots, Malia Obama is here to remind us to get...
View ArticleThis Is Our Jam: Desire, "Tears From Heaven"
Johnny Jewel, mastermind behind highly fashionable, Italo-leaning, pop projects Chromatics, Glass Candy, Symmetry, and more, is currently readying After Dark 2, the sequel to 2007’s now classic...
View ArticleGood To Know: ConEd's Power Outage Map Is Fun, Informative
There's nothing like an interactive feature to next-level time-sucking on the internet (beat the old "Wikepedia hole" excuse). But here's a point-and-click that's actually useful and, for the most...
View ArticleSci-Fi Beauty Treatments We Wish Existed IRL
The beauty world’s experienced incredible scientific innovations in the past few years. Advances like vibrating mascaras and self-twirling curling irons, as well as semi-permanent beauty procedures...
View ArticleThis Tom Binns Collab Looks (& Smells) Scentsational!
One doesn't have to be a Victorian lady prone to fainting spells (or a Medieval princess who hasn't bathed since she was six) to need a piece of perfumed jewelry around her neck. In fact, we modern...
View Article6 Cool Books To Bust You Out Of A TV Rut
Feeling a bit sluggish lately? It happens to all of us, whether you chalk it up to rainy day blues, Internet exhaustion from too much email and social media, or the constant hum of election buzz. Our...
View ArticleTrust Us, You Won't Want To Miss This Fancy Pants Trunk Show!
Ever since we said sayonara to summer temps, it's been a never-ending debate on what to wear. We've become so accustomed to defaulting to dresses and denim, that when fall hits we're left a little...
View Article5 Last-Minute Ideas For Festive Halloween Fun
While you may have already gotten your Halloween kicks over the weekend, today is the actual holiday — and Wednesday, a.k.a. hump day. Instead of heading straight home after work, we've got a few...
View ArticleNews To Us: Kate Moss Didn't Like Modeling, Couldn't Get Over Johnny Depp
Trust Vanity Fair to know what we want for the holidays. The magazine's Christmas cover, shot by Mert Alas and Marcus Piggott, features none other than Kate Moss, channeling Brigitte Bardot in a...
View ArticleHow Realistic Are Runway Beauty Trends?
Guys, you know we love runway beauty. We love when it's gorgeous, and we even love it when it's just plain weird. But how about those times when the runway beauty looks are...questionable? As in, they...
View ArticleSave Square Footage With This SUPER-Versatile New NYC Label
Manhattan has a list of city-specific fashion rules too numerous to list here, but let's just say that new label Maggy Frances is a testament to a top fiver: Less is more for fall. This...
View ArticleBookmark This, Boys: Six Men's Style Blogs We're Obsessing
Update: This story was originally published on April 18, 2012...but we've found even more awesome sites worth adding to your everyday must-reads.When it comes to guys' style, even if you've got every...
View ArticleHelp Wanted: Refinery29 L.A. Is Looking For Awesome Editorial Interns
Calling all fashion junkies! We're looking for a few exceptional editorial interns to join the R29 L.A. team for the spring semester. Candidates should possess strong research and writing skills and...
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