Is your to-do list starting to look as ginormo as those September issues you never found time to peruse? Does your iCal have so many alerts that you don't know if you're meant to be downtown for a meeting or at your BFF's birthday bash at The Bungalow? Well, you're not alone in that "I don't know whether I'm coming or going" mode — it seems everyone from L.A. to NYC is already having a manic month of mayhem (hello, it's Fashion Week!). Sometimes, we even feel like Queen and David Bowie's serenade to stress, "Under Pressure," is on repeat in our heads!
Well, as we all know, burning the candle at both ends can vex your health in severe ways — and even if your body isn't outwardly showing the bedraggled signs of the strain you're feeling upstairs, tension can take its toll at some point. Well, fret no further! We've put the aforementioned song on pause to play Dr. Jeffrey Thompson's Theta Meditation System (pure bedtime magic), invested in Kunzite crystals (said to be the Prozac of stones), and 18 other sneaky peeve-relieving tricks that have helped us out of our own trauma-ramas! As they say, misery loves company, but we promise that these products are the best pals to have.
Well, as we all know, burning the candle at both ends can vex your health in severe ways — and even if your body isn't outwardly showing the bedraggled signs of the strain you're feeling upstairs, tension can take its toll at some point. Well, fret no further! We've put the aforementioned song on pause to play Dr. Jeffrey Thompson's Theta Meditation System (pure bedtime magic), invested in Kunzite crystals (said to be the Prozac of stones), and 18 other sneaky peeve-relieving tricks that have helped us out of our own trauma-ramas! As they say, misery loves company, but we promise that these products are the best pals to have.