Bridget Duzzie, Manager of Partner Development and Leadership for PwC US
One meeting with reps from PwC US was all it took to on-board this unstoppable lady. Her thoughts: “Its people, sense of corporate responsibility, and opportunities could not be rivaled.” Fast forward six years and she's still callin' it home. But, it wasn't until exploring the hedge fund and education side, that she realized the creativity required in her role as an educator energized her, leading her to pursue a position in Partner Development and Leadership. Always looking for the next challenge, Bridget recently went to Belize to work with educators in its school system to teach the value of financial literacy. With her combination of smarts, passion, and drive, we can’t wait to see what Bridget does next.

Hands down, best professional advice you ever got:
“Never stop seeking opportunities to learn and improve yourself. When you stop learning, you stop growing as a professional and a person."
What skill or habit do you think is vital for success?
“Having a positive attitude makes all the difference. When you find ways to stay positive and genuinely show your appreciation, people will want to work with you. When you can create allies through cooperation and rapport, very few things will hold you back from being successful.”

What's your favorite thing to wear to work?
“Pencil skirts and oxfords. Great tailoring never goes out of style.”
Photographed by Sunny Shokrae