It seems no matter how many coats of mascara we apply, our fringe is never quite full enough for our liking. Since we have yet to find the magic wand that gives us mile-long lashes, we've turned to the next best thing: false eyelashes.
And yes, you can apply them for yourself without making a mess or ending up looking like an extra on Real Mob Wives of The New Jerseylicious Shore. In fact, a fake fringe can actually look, dare we say it, naturally gorgeous. To prove it, we asked our gal Taylor to divulge her tried-and-true tips for getting lashes that stun, the easy way (swear!). Check out this video tutorial to prepare to bat your lashes to much greater effect, stat.
And yes, you can apply them for yourself without making a mess or ending up looking like an extra on Real Mob Wives of The New Jerseylicious Shore. In fact, a fake fringe can actually look, dare we say it, naturally gorgeous. To prove it, we asked our gal Taylor to divulge her tried-and-true tips for getting lashes that stun, the easy way (swear!). Check out this video tutorial to prepare to bat your lashes to much greater effect, stat.