Have you ever witnessed (or been part of) a proposal that was in a completely inappropriate place? We're not talking kind of weird, like your office conference room. That still has some potential to be romantic. We mean truly awful, like on the set of Divorce Court.
Today, we learned that the Twitterverse has more than enough experience with terrible places to pop the question. When #BadProposalLocations was trending, hundreds of people jumped in with their experiences — or just quips.
With a hashtag like that, we just knew a bunch of tweeps would come out with gems like "a funeral!" or "the toilet!" That's why we lurked around to find some funnier, more original suggestions. Enjoy the best of the worst places to propose, according to Twitter, ahead.
#BadProposalLocations skiing down a mountain together.
— The Hashtag Kid (@thehashtagkid) January 16, 2017
#badproposallocations At someone else's wedding.Saw a video of this on Reddit once and I thought it was in such bad taste.Extremely selfish.
— James Maguire (@maguirenumber6) January 16, 2017
In line at the DMV #BadProposalLocations
— Theresa (@tlcprincess) January 15, 2017
On a highway, blocking the entire left lane. #BadProposalLocations pic.twitter.com/fHrQGdP4Vk
— Mediologists (@mediologists) January 16, 2017
Chipotle. She gave you free guacamole not the key to her heart. #BadProposalLocations
— Jeff Dwoskin (@bigmacher) January 15, 2017
Trump Inauguration
— Dreamweasel (@Dreamweasel) January 15, 2017
was in mcdonalds six years ago when a man walked in and proposed to his gf, she looked awkward but said yes anyway lol #badproposallocations
— stu macher (@koupeachy) January 16, 2017
On Judge Judy #BadProposalLocations pic.twitter.com/eaFWo8jtgR
— Jehan's Here (@jfredericks16) January 16, 2017
#BadProposalLocations at White Castles on Valentine's Day
— Tonto_Kawalski (@TONTOKAWALSKI) January 16, 2017
#BadProposalLocations couples counseling
— Tsizzle511 (@tonyjones153) January 16, 2017
— Gina Bishard (@ginabishard) January 16, 2017
In the casino after you just lost EVERYTHING
#BadProposalLocations Twitter
— NIGHTSTAR 👑 (@NIGHTSTARSMIND) January 17, 2017
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