The laundry list of Millennial wrongdoings is just getting longer, and this time coffee is the culprit. While we already know that we spend too much on dining out and apparently are completely changing up the way we do funerals, there's one more thing we're doing differently: retirement. Meaning, we're not saving money for it. Instead, we're buying coffee, because YOLO?
According to a study conducted by SurveyMonkey for investing app Acorns, close to half of 1900 Millennials surveyed put more money in the hands of baristas each morning than they do any kind of retirement fund. Especially, it turns out, women.
“A staggering 44 percent of female Millennials aged 18-35 spent more on their morning fix than they did putting money aside this year,” Acorns told Vice's Munchies. “What’s more is that this number is almost 10 percent higher than the number of Millennial males with the same habit in the same time frame. This evens out to about 41 percent of all users surveyed.”
Buying a coffee every morning is easy (and necessary), which might be why we're so frivolous with our cash. However, it's not like we're not aware of our financial situation! We just haven't quite put two and two together. The study also found that 41% of Millennials aged 24 to 35 don't think they'll be financially secure enough to retire until they're over 65 years old.
The solution? Acorns suggest being as free with your investment money as you are with your daily caffeine budget: throw a dollar or two into a fund each morning, and before you know it, it will add up. Or, maybe, just get a little more sleep for free.
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