So, nobody understands the great American dream like Ke$ha. Because, as we all know, the great American dream includes giving the shove-off to your less-than-stellar job, not wearing pants, and evoking Daisy Duke while partying with a bunch of furries.
Further proof that Ke$ha is just here to troll the world (in a candy-goated, glitter-on-the-brain way), the newest addition to the oeuvre of Dolla-Sign-HA includes a dreamy, psychedelic romp with a bunch of be-suited mascots and rap-singing "sabre-tooth TIGH-GER" with "warm Budwis-ER." (Her love of furries is well-known and makes sense considering the Kult of Ke$ha is referred to as "animals.")
From a fashion tip, Kesh strikes out pretty hard across the board with a hair-vest, bad hair (or possibly an even worse wig), and a decided lack of bottoms. But it's not about fashion for her. It's about the near-Buddhist preoccupation with the now, the adrenaline-laden immediacy of being in touch with a moment in a way that nearly verges on a kind of nihilistic disregard of self/societal mores. And also, executing correct motorcycle safety with a bejeweled helmet.
Video: Via YouTube
Further proof that Ke$ha is just here to troll the world (in a candy-goated, glitter-on-the-brain way), the newest addition to the oeuvre of Dolla-Sign-HA includes a dreamy, psychedelic romp with a bunch of be-suited mascots and rap-singing "sabre-tooth TIGH-GER" with "warm Budwis-ER." (Her love of furries is well-known and makes sense considering the Kult of Ke$ha is referred to as "animals.")
From a fashion tip, Kesh strikes out pretty hard across the board with a hair-vest, bad hair (or possibly an even worse wig), and a decided lack of bottoms. But it's not about fashion for her. It's about the near-Buddhist preoccupation with the now, the adrenaline-laden immediacy of being in touch with a moment in a way that nearly verges on a kind of nihilistic disregard of self/societal mores. And also, executing correct motorcycle safety with a bejeweled helmet.
Video: Via YouTube