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Your Horoscope This Week

Illustrated by Alia Penner.Photographed by Jason Rodgers.

Is it actually possible to have it all? This week's planets put our "perfect life ambitions" to the test. On Thursday, January 12, the year's first full moon arrives in nurturing, domestic Cancer. Organizing our personal affairs will be the first step in the equation. Clear the air with close friends and family and dive into a decorating mission. If it's time to move, this full moon could light the way to a dreamy listing. Both Cancer and the full moon represent the archetypal feminine force. These moonbeams will awaken the lady tribe to our power — and just in time for next week's Women's March on Washington.

There's just one catch to all this cozy goodness. La luna will get in formation with wild Jupiter, control freak Pluto and unconventional Uranus — a four way tug-of-war called a Grand Cardinal Cross. This square configuration will draw our attention to all the important areas of life: career, relationships, personal growth and home. But the dueling demands of each could make us all feel pulled in too many directions at once. Balancing the moving parts is the key to our sanity — but things might have to get stressful before we realize where we need to dial things back a bit. Don't ignore an important area of life to give your all to another. Thankfully, on Thursday, savvy Mercury moves into Capricorn, the sign of goals. This will help us all prioritize what's most important — and profitable — as we move into our 2017 missions.


December 22 to January 19

Pairing is caring this week, Capricorn — provided your partnerships are equal and balanced. On Thursday, 2017's first full moon lands in Cancer, your opposite sign and the ruler of your seventh house of relationships. A budding connection could blossom into something real — at last! How can you make your existing duos more dynamic in the year ahead? This could require some recalibration along with saner expectations of yourself! You can be a perfectionist, Capricorn, driving yourself to go above and beyond in all your ambitious quests. Although you want to bring your best, balancing the demands of your romantic desires, home life and career could feel like a spaghetti Western duel. That's because this full moon falls into a tense four-way combat (called a Cardinal Cross in astrospeak) with Jupiter, Uranus in Pluto. Unsettling as this may be, it's also a wake-up call. Are your loved ones clamoring for more attention — and is it more than you care to give? Real talk is required this week, either to make amends for being neglectful or to put up boundaries with a couple of demanding souls. Creative solutions may emerge, like finding ways to involve your inner circle in your quest for success. You might set up a home office or outsource some aspects of your mission that are cutting into your personal time.

Fortunately, you'll get some help in the "asserting myself" department. On Thursday, expressive Mercury moves back into Capricorn until February 7, blessing you with the gift of gab. You already hosted the messenger planet from December 2 to January 4, but a good chunk of that time included a retrograde, that began on December 19. If you need a conversational do-over, carpe diem. Pick up personal projects that got shelved before the New Year — and let yourself dabble in new activities that have piqued your curiosity, even if you have zero proof of talent in the arena. You never know until you try, Capricorn.

Illustrated by Alia Penner.
Photographed by Jason Rodgers.


January 20 to February 18

Keeping up with the Joneses Jenners is like running on a treadmill, Aquarius. You're constantly expending energy but never getting anywhere. This week's full moon in Cancer and your finicky sixth house shines on a light on those perfectionistic tendencies that you should toss out for 2017. Keep your high standards, sure, Aquarius. But as the full moon locks into a befuddling Cardinal Cross (square formation) with liberated Uranus, seductive Pluto, and magnifying Jupiter the week could reveal where you've raised the bar to such an agonizing height that you can't even enjoy yourself anymore. Give your routines and rituals a review. If you're cramming too many activities into too short a window of time, something's gotta give. If you need to quit an activity, forget guilt: Your true friends will understand your need for more breathing room! This full moon charges up your house of healthy living. If you're going to add anything into your calendar, let it land in the self-care category like evening yoga and a monthly massage.

Another reason to clear some whitespace in your schedule? Social Mercury floats into your solitary, spiritual 12th house from Thursday until February 7. You'll enjoy more time alone for the coming few weeks — to relax, dream, and get creative. The urge to purge could strike, so after you've penned those song lyrics, start the process of slowly downsizing. Your soul will feel lighter with less stuff to worry about!

Illustrated by Alia Penner.
Photographed by Jason Rodgers.


February 19 to March 20

St. Valentine in the house! Yes, Pisces, we know it's only January, but with Thursday's full moon in Cancer activating your zone of true love, you could get an early call from Cupid. An attraction that's been simmering for the past few months could finally become a real thing. Single Pisces could meet someone with more than just a glimmer of promise and potential. Pisces in relationships could have some next level news to share with friends — even a proposal or a pregnancy. But before you tease your friends with suggestive 'grams, know this: The full moon arrives in a complicated Cardinal Cross (four-way square formation) with prickly Pluto, free-spirited Jupiter and unpredictable Uranus. Do you know what you're getting yourself into here? Romantic as it feels to rush in, you may need to negotiate the terms of your engagement before committing to the next step. On the flip side are Pisces who are feeling resentful from making too many sacrifices for other people. While you want to be seen as the helpful, giving, compassionate companion, you've raised the bar too high for yourself. No need to be the guru or the giver; just drop the mask and ask for what you need. For much of the week that request might simply be "free time to roam without obligation to anyone." Conversely, if you've been leaning heavily on others, you may feel guilty. Send flowers or a thank you card; make a gift by hand — you don't have to spend a lifetime settling the score though!

Feeling crunched for time? Adopt the teamwork approach this week. From Thursday until February 7, clever Mercury cruises through Capricorn, encouraging collaborations. Technology will also be a serenity saver, so switch some of your old school methodologies over to software and apps. If you need to upgrade your devices, this Mercury cycle green lights an investment in a new laptop or home gadget that streamlines your daily routines.

Illustrated by Alia Penner.
Photographed by Jason Rodgers.


March 21 to April 19

Let your nesting instincts take hold, Aries. This week's full moon in Cancer and your nurturing fourth house turns your attention to home and family. While you'll crave more time in your hibernation station, things could get a little rocky under your roof before they become peaceful. That's because this full moon will face off with control freak Pluto, unpredictable Uranus and magnifying Jupiter in a Cardinal Cross (a tense, square pattern in the sky). As you strive to have it all in 2017, you may discover that your career goals are upsetting someone in your personal life, like a relative or romantic interest. On the other side of the coin, you could sacrifice your ambitions to please another person but you'll only wind up seething with resentment and regret. Pleasing everyone could mean satisfying no one. Novel idea: instead of going rogue, how can you include your loved ones in your 2017 game plan — or simply rebalance your demanding life so you can spend more time at home? You need your "me time" too Aries, so set up your house so you have enough privacy to relax and do your work without interruptions.

Fortunately, prioritizing your goals becomes easier after Thursday too as mental Mercury cruises back into Capricorn and your takin' care of business 10th house until February 7. Socialize with the dual purpose of expanding your professional database. In other words, never leave home without a few business cards tucked in the old wallet. A conversation at a local Women's March could organically turn into a client pitch. Thankfully, no one thinks on their feet faster than an Aries. Score!

Illustrated by Alia Penner.
Photographed by Jason Rodgers.


April 20 to May 20

No more slacking, Taurus, it's time to get organized. This Thursday marks the annual full moon in Cancer and your systematic sixth house. Unleash that Konmari magic as you downsize to possessions you love. There could be rapid developments at work too, but don't get cocky — even if you have had your fair share of success. This full moon could be one of the most challenging lunations of 2017, astrologically speaking, because three intense, rabble-rousing planets — Jupiter, Pluto and Uranus — lock into a Cardinal Cross formation with the full moon (a stressful square pattern in the sky). You could easily blurt out a trade secret or trust the wrong person with company intel. If you've worked hard to bust through an old vice or addictive pattern, you might be tempted to backslide this week. If you don't want to slip, avoid the slope altogether. Surround yourself with healthy people who incorporate self-care into their lifestyles. Integrate more vital habits in 2017, like meeting friends for mat Pilates instead of martinis (or maybe both some nights).

If the holidays were stressful for you, there's a good chance you need a vacation after your "vacation." Start pricing out Airbnbs. From Thursday until February 7, curious Mercury cruises through your ninth house of travel, green-lighting a getaway. Even a long weekend would be refreshing, but this is actually a stellar window for slipping away to a tropical island or a snowy ski lodge for, like, a week.

Illustrated by Alia Penner.
Photographed by Jason Rodgers.


May 21 to June 20

It's time to put 'em on notice, Gemini: In 2017, no one is getting the milk for free. This Thursday marks the annual full moon in Cancer and your money earning second house. You could get word of a job offer or a promising growth opportunity at your current gig. But there is a catch. The full moon forms a vexing Cardinal Cross (a tense square formation in the sky) between bawdy Jupiter, secretive Pluto and impulsive Uranus, which could leave you torn. On the one hand, you feel that "go big or go home" urge but you also need to look before you leap. Will your next big move land you in the fame category — or will someone else wind up getting credit for your work? It's time to advocate for Numero Uno. Also, discussions about money must be hashed out lest you let your enthusiasm lead you to undercharging. Don't cling onto opportunities as if they were your last (they're not). Even if no offers flow in this week, get to work on your budget. When you respect the money you have, you set the right conditions to manifest more.

Some of that cash could even come from a shared bank account. You'll feel a strong urge to merge assets as Mercury hunkers down in your house of joint resources from Thursday through February 7. Intimate exchanges will also go down in the personal realm. Secrets are best shared during slumber parties or via spicy pillow talk. Just make sure the trust is solid before you open up!

Illustrated by Alia Penner.
Photographed by Jason Rodgers.


June 21 to July 22

Take your foot off the brake! This Thursday marks the annual full moon in Cancer, a time for upgrading your life and picking up the pace on your dreams. Progress invites change — and it's been coming fast and furious lately. This can make you feel out of control, and with the full moon assembling into a Cardinal Cross (a stressful square formation) with intense Jupiter, Pluto and Uranus, you might want to bring everything to a screeching halt. There's no turning back now, Cancer, so instead of letting fear take the wheel, reach out for support. With expansive Jupiter in your feminine fourth house, accomplished women will come to your support. Unconventional Uranus points to the men in your life who can help you drum up savvy solutions. Make sure you have plenty of support from BFFs or romantic partners too. This week it's you who needs a sounding board, so ask them to lend you their ears.

Partnership possibilities heat up on Thursday too as flirty Mercury moves into Capricorn and your relationship zone until February 7. Suddenly, even the most innocent exchange feels charged with possibility. Did you read someone wrong during the retrograde this past December? You may decide to offer a second chance — or tell 'em boy bye, like, for good.

Illustrated by Alia Penner.
Photographed by Jason Rodgers.


July 23 to August 22

Before you can take flight with your New Year's resolutions, make a stop at "baggage claim." This Thursday marks the first full moon of 2017, which happens to fall in your 12th house of surrender and goodbyes. Don't let drama that's "so 2016" drag on into this next circle 'round the sun. Tie up loose ends, say your fond farewells and try to forgive people where you can. These moonbeams could bring a powerful "white light moment" for you, as they land in a rare Cardinal Cross — a square pattern in the sky — formed with truth-bearer Jupiter, transformational Pluto, and jolting Uranus. A situation that you've outgrown could be torn from your grasp igniting a long-overdue grieving process. Then again, you might just be laughing at the divine comedy of it. Um, how did you get so sprung on that one? Really? Emotionally, go easy on yourself because your mood could change on a second-by-second basis while you're processing all the change. The feels shall pass — and quickly, once you make up your mind to deal. Better still? You'll be amazed by all the new opportunities that come your way once you've lightened your load.

One thing you can take command of this week is your wellness routines. Savvy, systematic Mercury flows into Capricorn and your healthy living corner from Thursday until February 7. No need to spend the winter shivering under a pile of fleece blankets. Fire up the internal furnace with some blood-pumping cardio workouts and healthy cooked food. And lest you get swept up in the cleanse insanity, do this detox to rid yourself of seasonal body shaming before it has a chance to creep in.

Illustrated by Alia Penner.
Photographed by Jason Rodgers.


August 23 to September 22

Sharing is caring this week — provided you get in formation with competent people. (The alternative can be brutal for the thorough and capable Virgo.) This Thursday's full moon in Cancer beams into your 11th house of community, helping you radar in on your 2017 tribe. Already found them? Time to fill out the membership papers and make your participation official. A team effort could hit a milestone moment, giving you cause to break out the bubbles and raise a glass for the second time this year. But if you're feeling stuck with the wrong squad, difficult decisions may be on the table because this full moon locks into a complex Cardinal Cross (a four-way tug of war) with volatile Uranus, strategic Pluto and expansive Jupiter. This stress-invoking starmap can pull your affections and desires in multiple directions. If you plan to move on, make a graceful exit instead of disappearing with a guilty conscience. That said, maybe dialing back your responsibilities — or stepping into a stronger leadership role — could actually change things for the better. If there's still a ray of hope, give it a whirl for a couple weeks and see if the situation improves.

St. Valentine makes an early entrance in 2017. This Thursday, flirty Mercury floats back into Capricorn and your fifth house of amour until February 7. No need to wait a month for those red roses and foil-wrapped bon-bons. Take the initiative in love and turn up the heat. Already attached? Banish the winter blues by hitting the party circuit as a pair — or co-hosting a Critics Choice Awards fete for friends with red carpet, formal gowns and all.

Illustrated by Alia Penner.
Photographed by Jason Rodgers.


September 23 to October 22

Goals, goals, goals! It's time to make those 2017 career resolutions as Thursday's full moon in Cancer activates your ambitious 10th house. But as you map out your missions, get real with yourself: Do your personal and family relationships support your professional ascent? And have you created a strong foundation to help you rise through the ranks? As inspiring as this full moon may be, it also forces you to face some difficult contradictions. A challenging Cardinal Cross (square formation) with volatile Uranus, transformational Pluto, and daring Jupiter exposes the out-of-alignment aspects of your life — and this may cause temporary turmoil for the week! Instead of freaking out, seize the opportunity to get your universe back in sync. You need your inner circle to champion you, but that might mean letting them call you out too. Sunny, superficial conversations may be masking some messes behind the scenes that you actually need to clean up. It's not just about looking good on the outside, Libra, but also being able to lift the curtain and reveal a well-oiled machine.

Spend some time feathering your nest this week too. From Thursday until February 7, orderly Mercury will lounge in your domestic zone helping you get Chez Libra up to style blogger's code. A trip to IKEA's Winter Sale might be on the weekend agenda. But if you've already got it dialed in, put a leaf in the table and host a dinner party or movie night. Your closest friends can warm you house better than any space heater, Libra!

Illustrated by Alia Penner.
Photographed by Jason Rodgers.


October 23 to November 21

As an esoteric Scorpio, you've never laid your cards on the table for just anyone. But when you finally decide to trust you are an open book. With Thursday's full moon falling in your candid ninth house, the week could bring more than its usual share of soul-baring moments. Embrace the spirit of authenticity — but don't underestimate the importance of a well-crafted delivery. The truth shall set you free when it's delivered with tact. Timing is everything too, since this full moon lands in a complex Cardinal Cross (square formation) with unpredictable Uranus, shadowy Pluto and impulsive Jupiter. Remember this basic rule: email and text for confirmation, live hangouts for conversation. Typing (instead of talking) about a serious issue come back to haunt you — and the last thing you need is a "wardrobe malfunction" while you're releasing a skeleton from the closet. Patiently wait for the right moment: You'll get the best results that way. This full moon will awaken your wanderlust and your independent spirit. Consider booking a solo trip before January is through, even if you're joining a new group of people once you arrive. Traveling to destinations where no one knows a thing about you allows undiscovered parts of your personality to emerge and shine.

You might even make it a road trip, Scorpio — or a staycation in a nearby town. On Thursday, curious Mercury sails back into Capricorn and your third house of transportation and short journeys until February 7. Even if you can't escape to a Nicaraguan surf town, mix up your daily rituals a bit. Hanging out at a new coffeeshop or hitting the vinoteca instead of the dive bar could reboot your social options for 2017. Take it upon yourself to organize more nights out you're your existing friend group too.

Illustrated by Alia Penner.
Photographed by Jason Rodgers.


November 22 to December 21

Money, power, respect — with a side of sexual tension: This week could feel like a game of thrones, thanks to Thursday's full moon. Not only does this lunation fall in Cancer and your intense and erotic eighth house, but it locks into a four-way power struggle (known in astrospeak as a Cardinal Cross, or square formation) with daring Jupiter, compulsive Pluto and volatile Uranus. By all means, vie for that crown, Sagittarius — a little competition can be fun as long as you don't veer into cutthroat terrain. Your fierce determination could spell money in the bank over the coming two weeks. Don't forget the power of partnership because collaborating with other influencers could be your key to the kingdom. Romantically, this sultry full moon will give you an insatiable urge to merge. Alas, you also run the risk of coming on too strong. Pace yourself, Archer — and maybe take a cold shower here and there. If you pressure people, they'll pull away; being a little mysterious and slightly inaccessible, however, will turn the tide in your favor. Got secrets? Thanks to the Cardinal Cross, your Spidey sense could be a little askew and you run the risk of revealing sacred information to a sketchy character. Save those confessional conversations for people with a solidly proven track record.

When you're feeling too hot and bothered for your own good, dive into your work. It's the perfect distraction because on Thursday, savvy Mercury settles into your second house of financial security. Make it your mission to get a better budget in place by February 7. Cutting back on your brunch splurges, say, can create savings for your vacation fund. Be diligent when at your desk. Those "lather, rinse, repeat" tasks need to get done — and your dedicated efforts will draw positive attention from the people who are signing your paychecks.

Illustrated by Alia Penner.
Photographed by Jason Rodgers.

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