A phyllo dough hors d'oeuvre here, a BLT hangover cure there, and the next thing you know, those skinny jeans are feeling, well, a little snug. A huge diet and exercise program is in order, right? Not if you try a few of these tiny little food tweaks every day. Aim for at least two, but three is even better. You'll save up to about 300 calories a day — potentially, a whopping 2800 calories a week. And since you need to eat an extra 3500 calories to gain one pound (or cut out that amount to drop it), in less than three weeks, you’ll ward off that pesky couple of pounds from creeping up on you.
The amazing get-fit panel of experts from Fitist, the one-stop shop for nutrition and kick-ass workouts, shared some of their wait-what?! food swaps that are so easy, and still yummy, that you won’t even notice the difference. But your waistline totally will.
Why 29? Well, obviously we dig the number. But also, research shows that sticking to something for at least 21 days can turn a spoof into a habit. So, who knows: these little eat-healthy game changers may stick around year-round but extra pounds for no good reason won’t. Cheers to that.
The amazing get-fit panel of experts from Fitist, the one-stop shop for nutrition and kick-ass workouts, shared some of their wait-what?! food swaps that are so easy, and still yummy, that you won’t even notice the difference. But your waistline totally will.
Why 29? Well, obviously we dig the number. But also, research shows that sticking to something for at least 21 days can turn a spoof into a habit. So, who knows: these little eat-healthy game changers may stick around year-round but extra pounds for no good reason won’t. Cheers to that.