"It's going to be raunchy," says screenwriter Kelly Marcel. “We are 100% going there. We did go through and decide which [sex scenes] are our favourites and which are not. Most of them are in there, but I can’t say more than that."
Well, at least they're clear on why people are drawn to the book and not trying to focus on the story, rich and nuanced as it is. And given that this is all happening on screen rather than in print, by default it will be even sexier than the book...just tiptoeing the line of straight-up pornography.
So, you've got a multimillion-dollar best seller on your hands. You turn it into a movie, capitalizing on the parts of the book people loved best! That's just logic. But there's one loophole: The book's highest sales came from e-book purchases, made mainly by 30- and 40-something women presumably hoping to spice things up without their children accidentally stumbling upon smut. There's a lot of talk going on about how this book has finally released America from the ties and binds of a Puritan heritage, but can you imagine shepherding a bunch of moms into a theater for 120-some minutes of glorified kink? Awkward. (The Gloss)