During the holidays, it can be especially hard to bring your style A game when it comes to travel. After all, with weeks of feasting under your (now-loosened) belt, the only things that feel comfy are your go-to black leggings and oversized sweater. But leave it to the Obama daughters to make us feel guilty about schlepping home from the airport in grubby duds. Case in point, Sasha and Malia returned to Washington wearing some of the coolest getups we've seen on a pair of tween sibs. At this point, we can't decide which to covet more, Malia's chic camel coat and combat boots or Sasha's darling floral jeans and red high-tops. We give them major props for not resorting to the standard gym gear for their flight home from Hawaii, but we're pretty sure MObama wouldn't have it any other way. (Styleite)
Photo: Via Styleite