Based on reader reaction, we sort of expected to see Ugg somewhere on there, whether on top or in the bottom five, but no dice. Guess the fuzzy boots are still alt enough to come out above auto manufacturers (Mitsubishi was number one on the least loved list) and fast-food delivery pizza.
Compiled by research agency The Dachis Group at the behest of Business Insider, this roundup features the companies who've gained or lost the most ground on social platforms in 2012 based on a number of factors — and, apparently, most come as no surprise to advertising pros. It's interesting not only for the laughs at the expense of unpopular brands but also for its ability to take the pulse of a people based on nothing but clicks and comments. Don Draper would kill for this intel!
Check out the complete list on Business Insider, then share: Which brand do you absolutely love? And which one can you live without?
Photo: Courtesy of Kraft.