[UPDATE: This post was originally published on July 25.]
Do you ever pass a sexy guy on the street and totally shy out? Your cheeks flush cherry red, your heart quickens, and all you can do to hide your body's betrayal is go nose to the ground? Don't worry, we've all been there (some of us have even hit Craigslist's Missed Connections page afterward — don't judge!).
But, so you can get a proper gander at the strapping L.A. gents lurking everywhere from Silver Lake to Santa Monica, we've freeze-framed 10 gorgeous local fellas for a Tiger Beat-style fix. And if you happen to spot one out and about in real life, we strongly recommend you go say hi. We promise they don't bite!
Do you ever pass a sexy guy on the street and totally shy out? Your cheeks flush cherry red, your heart quickens, and all you can do to hide your body's betrayal is go nose to the ground? Don't worry, we've all been there (some of us have even hit Craigslist's Missed Connections page afterward — don't judge!).
But, so you can get a proper gander at the strapping L.A. gents lurking everywhere from Silver Lake to Santa Monica, we've freeze-framed 10 gorgeous local fellas for a Tiger Beat-style fix. And if you happen to spot one out and about in real life, we strongly recommend you go say hi. We promise they don't bite!