Man, the things they can do with tights these days. Taking gutter-punk chic to new extremes, German brand URB has released a line of tights that offers wearers the illusion of having been recently slimed. They are, yes, icky — but, not without merit.
First off, they're technical marvels, each handmade (hand slimed?) with a layer of Latex and baby powder (for texture, we guess). Second, some of the color combinations are actually quite nice, reminding us less of other novel leggings and more of challenging nail-art designs or "slime-punk" followers on Tumblr. Would we wear them? Um...no. The design has certain...unsavory implications that we would just rather not get into thankyouverymuch. Nonetheless, innovative stuff. Any of you interested? (MTV)
Photo: Courtesy of URB.