Considering the fact that real braces cost at least ten times that, it seems that a mouthful of metal can be a sign of spending power: Western-style, rich-kid adolescence you can buy for yourself (perfect smile not included).
Ironically, you need fairly straight teeth in order to wear these one-size-fits-all accessories, which are typically installed at beauty salons or at home via DIY kits. And, obviously, these faux sets come with a slew of health hazards including infection, choking, and lead poisoning, all of which have led the Thai government to ban the production and sale of fake braces. That hasn't stopped the kids though; they've turned to black market websites and street stalls to get their sets.
If only there were a way to go back in time and tell your awkward 14-year-old self the news... stop whining — your mouth game is huge in Asia! Now, see if you can go get a Hello Kitty set, because you're really going to come to regret that yellow-and-white color scheme. (ViceUK via NYDaily News)
Photo: Courtesy of Wikipedia