Blowout addicts rejoice: Drybar opens their West Broadway location in Tribeca today! (Drybar)
There's always talk about where to ring in the New Year with lots of bubbly, but what about those who want to welcome 2013 with more grub than grog? We recommend Chelsea newcomer Bocca Di Bacco, where you can snag four courses for under a hundred bucks. (Bocca Di Bacco)
We often take old wives' tales with a pinch of salt, but we happen to be firm believers that sometimes the hair of the dog that bit you is the best way to start, well, the morning after. And, since brunch is practically an NYC sporting event, we're grateful for KTCHN's Revive Brunch, a New Years Day breakfast with an all-you-can-drink option that's got our names written all over it. (KTCHN)
According to the rumor mill, Girls costume designer Jenn Rogien is apparently sneaking in a pair of her own Givenchy shoes for a guest star next season. Consider us on the lookout for these designer kicks. (The Cut)