It's been a few years since Andrej Pejić and his fellow gender-bending models burst onto the scene. But none of them, including Pejić, has scored an Elle cover...until now. Pejić, wearing a bobbed black wig and a sly look, graces Elle Serbia this month, marking yet another step in the forward progress of cross-dressing chic. Yes, we know — Elle Serbia is not Elle U.S. or Elle U.K. But for Pejić, a part-Serbian native of Bosnia and Herzegovina who fled to Serbia during the Bosnian War, it must represent a wonderful kind of homecoming. As well, Elle offers up images of Pejić in lingerie and stockings getting flirty, forceful, and frisky with a man played by, you guessed it, himself. Wonder if he got to charge Elle double for that. (Coco Perez)

Photo: Courtesy of Elle Serbia