The first book in this trilogy recounting the heart-warming tale of a virginal heroine and bondage-loving billionaire became Britain's best-selling book of all time, with 5.3 million copies sold, and follow-ups, Fifty Shades Darker and Fifty Shades Freed, reportedly selling 3.6 million and 3.2 million copies respectively. This takes the trilogy to combined U.K. sales of over 12 million — meaning roughly every household in Britain has a copy lying around. Pretty terrifying, no?
Given the ubiquity of the tome, perhaps it's unsurprising that no one wants it for the holidays — not even considering the dodgy writing and the "isn't this book actually pretty sexist?" conversation around it. Clearly, anyone who wants to read it already owns a copy. But there is a solution.
While a duplicate book is pointless, there are plenty of awesomely awful gifts around to amuse the 50 Shades fan in your life. May we point you in the direction of these tasteful 50 Shades sparkly cufflinks? Or this delightful chocolate bar? Or, why not go all out and get the bondage take-home kit? Problem solved!
Photo via the Mail