Every year around this time, we notice a drastic decline in the texture, appearance, and overall health of our complexions. There's nothing like a good, strong dose of frozen winter air biting your face to make you think long and hard about your skin care choices. That aforementioned wind, coupled with indoor heat and a general decline in our diets, leads to flakes, breakouts, ruddiness, and scaly patches.
Something about that lovely combination just seems to exacerbate the skin issues we already had — be it fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, or dryness — leading us to look in the mirror and be less than impressed with the visage staring back at us.
Thankfully, there's a whole host of new skin-care secret weapons on the market that will help you combat winter skin woes. From the first U.S. CC cream to an oil that's like liquid gold for your face, these are the new lotions and potions we're stocking up on, just in time for the start of winter — or the end of the world, take your pick.
Something about that lovely combination just seems to exacerbate the skin issues we already had — be it fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, or dryness — leading us to look in the mirror and be less than impressed with the visage staring back at us.
Thankfully, there's a whole host of new skin-care secret weapons on the market that will help you combat winter skin woes. From the first U.S. CC cream to an oil that's like liquid gold for your face, these are the new lotions and potions we're stocking up on, just in time for the start of winter — or the end of the world, take your pick.