Even the harshest critic would have to admit that Hugh Jackman and Anne Hathaway are fairly attractive individuals. Consequently, transforming these top-shelf lookers into the underfed, unwashed, singing gutter feeders of Les Misérables did require a bit of elbow-grease. Aside from chopping off everyone's hair with garden shears, makeup artists added bloodshot contacts, fake grungy teeth, and chunky, textured make-up that completely changed the look of some of Hollywood's most beautiful people. We, for instance, didn't see Jackman's contacts during our own tear-soaked screening of the soon-to-be-released film (jealous, much?), but we did worry for a believably jaundiced Annie. (Also, we loved the tidbit of Helena Bonham Carter dyeing her wig with coffee!) Click play for an engaging look at the magic that made these handsome people look appropriately retched.
Video: Courtesy of entv