As the speculation and buzz surrounding Anna Wintour's possible appointment as U.S. ambassador bubbles, percolates, fizzles, then bubbles up again, the White House press corps is getting odder and odder about the issue.
Take for instance the series of loaded (overloaded, actually) questions dumped on White House Press Secretary Jay Carney by ABC's Jake Tapper above. Operating off the rather reductive notion that Ms. Wintour is a tactless, tyrannical editor with the social skills of a jackhammer, Tapper sardonically, disingenuously asks, “Is it important for a diplomat to be their personal lives or pop culture?” and, "Has the president seen The Devil Wears Prada?” Isn't it remarkable how Tapper — despite being a magna cum laude graduate of Dartmouth and political reporter with 20 years of hard-earned experience — is able to impersonate a freshman media-studies major? Stunning work.
In any case, anyone with a passing knowledge of Wintour understands that Miranda Priestly was but a humorous, hyperbolic pantomime of the Vogue editor's more colorful personality traits and that, as the head of an international brand, she most likely has a deep and nuanced understanding of British-American diplomatic relations, the graces of international society, and profound social and negotiating skills.
Moreover, let's remember that some of our more noted diplomats had no actual experience in diplomacy or politics before their appointments. World-War II Secretary of State Edward Stettinius was a lifelong businessman, current Ambassador to France Charles Rivkin is the executive producer of Yo Gabba Gabba, and, for pete's sake, legendary Ambassador to Britain Joseph P. Kennedy was a banker of questionable ethics and a bootlegger.
We're starting to wonder if such silly questions would be lobbed at The White House if Wintour — a highly successful businesswoman in a multibillion-dollar industry and a powerful media figure — wasn't in the female-dominated world of fashion. Just sayin'. (Fashionista)
Video: Courtesy of Go Rapid Response