So, it goes without saying that we (and every person we know) were thrilled to have the chance to sit down and talk beauty with her, in honor of the launch of Revlon's new Nearly Naked makeup (in stores in January). Read on to learn all about Stone's skin care routine, her favorite Revlon product, and the hair color she loves most — and prepare to fall just a little bit more more in love with everyone's favorite leading lady.
So, tell us all about this new foundation.
"Well, I like it because I break out all the time, and so I have to wear foundation daily, and it ends up being really thick. But, this [formula] lets me show off my freckles...which is a good thing."
Have you always embraced your freckles?
"No, not so much. I used to spray tan a lot when I was a teenager. The last time I got spray-tanned was for the Golden Globes. And I was like 'I love spray-tanning so much.' I still really like it. But it definitely makes me look like I have leprosy, after a point."
Are you super-vigilant about taking care of your skin? Are you big on SPF?
"Yeah, I wear pretty strong SPF. I'm actually pretty interested in skin care, because I had bad hormonal acne when I was 17, and they put me on Accutane for it. After two months on the Accutane, I went off of it, and since then, my skin, my mouth, my lips, my eyes are all so dry. Then, I had stress acne when I was 20, when I did Easy A, which they kindly video-airbrushed out of the movie. But I realized how debilitating and embarrassing it can be to have cystic acne. So, I'm really interested in the biology of what makes up acne and how to work on it from the outside, too. Wait. Why am I talking about that? What did you ask?"
About SPF.
"Yeah, so I'm vigilant about skin care across the board, both with sun and breakouts."
What's your typical skin care routine like when you're on set?
"Well, I'm pretty slutty with products. So that's part of the problem. I should work in a beauty department, because all I want to do is try whatever is happening. I like it, and I find it really interesting. For the most part, I use Cetaphil, the bar soap, and then these pads that I get from the dermatologist, and then Elta lotion. Ideally, I'd like to just use single-note products. But…I think I still need to work on my formulas...in my lab."
We've seen you pull off such a range of vibrant hair colors. Which is your personal favorite?
"Well I'm like the color of this [foundation bottle] cap — I'm so white. My hair grows out blonde, but my coloring is similar to that of a redhead. So...I really like having red hair. I'm a natural blonde, but I really like the red."
Photo: David X. Prutting/BFA