Fortunately, one teen girl is speaking out against all of that. At only 13 years old, Mckenna Pope is petitioning Hasbro, maker of the Easy-Bake Oven, to add boys into its commercials and package the product in a more gender-neutral manner. She realized the problem after her little brother said he wanted an Easy-Bake Oven for Christmas — despite the fact that, in his words, "only girls play with them." Says Mckenna, "I thought that as a society, we had far moved past that. But no, we continue to force the stereotype that men don't cook, they work."
You can bet we're forwarding this petition to all of our friends, and we hope you'll sign, too! This is a worthy cause and, frankly, we can't believe this change didn't happen years ago, and we know a lot of hunky chefs who feel the same way!
Watch the video below, and then put your name down if you're in support. Let's hope the next time this is in the news, it's under the headline "Awesome Teen Changes Giant Company's Ways, Makes World A Better Place." (The Frisky)
Photo: Courtesy of Hasbro.