Of course, being Harvey Nichols and all, this vending machine (tragically) doesn’t dispense Skittles and Diet Coke. Instead, it has been stocked under the watchful eyes of the people behind BeautyMART.
If you haven’t already heard the hype, BeautyMART set up shop in Harvey Nichols earlier this year and is the brainchild of ex-Vogue beauty director Anna-Marie Solowij, and Millie Kendall (of Ruby & Millie fame). The concept: an edit of the beauty world’s most awesome and iconic products, spanning everything from Elnett hairspray and Batiste dry shampoo to Face Stockholm cosmetics and CB I Hate Perfume.
The beauty vending machine, which has launched on the fourth floor of the Knightbridge store, offers a range of chic BeautyMART goody bags, with prices starting at £3.45 for Trinkets’ haute tampons to £98 for Dr Jackson’s No.1 Cream. What’s not to like? We just hope La Beckham approves....
Photo: Courtesy of BeautyMART