The glossy featured the singer (on a comeback after the release of No Doubt's first single in 10 years) for the September issue, but we were a little surprised to see stylist Lori Goldstein's excessively girly, oddly un-Stefani-like take. In a number of pink ensembles and one gigantic hat worthy of the world's largest racetrack, Gwen – despite her persistently characteristic facial expressions – could be just about anyone in this shoot.
Of course, we're not saying she doesn't look great. The singer/mother/designer always does, and if we looked even a quarter this good at 42, we'd be praising genetics. When we see the original pop-punk princess on a giant magazine cover, we sort of want her to do something else than peer demurely out from under a pink chapeau. She's got too much 'tude to be completely stifled, but dressing her up like a Barbie seems not only counterintuitive but counterproductive for a woman of such power, prowess, and punch. See more of the spread (full editorial and video here), and tell us if this cover is a wow or a whimper!
What do you think of Gwen's latest cover? Are you just happy to see her back in action, or do you think HBZ could've taken an edgier approach?
Photo: Courtesy of Harper's Bazaar.