Unfortunately, the scientific evidence supporting many of these claims is pretty scarce. We polled a few experts on their thoughts about vitamins and they all had the same response: If it works for you, great, but the studies surrounding supplements and hair growth are too few and far between for them to give a concrete answer. Boo.
Still, we're big believers in word-of-mouth recommendations, so we're not totally ready to dismiss all the buzz surrounding supplements, even though there's not technically a lot of science to back it up. Here, we've rounded up some of the most talked-about hair-growth aids. While we can't guarantee they'll give you thick, lush locks, we've heard more than our fair share of magnificent-maned ladies gush about them that we're willing to give them the benefit of the doubt.
What about you: Have you ever popped a pill to give you healthier hair? And, more importantly, did it work?
Photographed by Amelia Alpaugh