If you thought you were the only one forced to work from home this week, fear not. Besides your trusty R29 reporters, staff at all kinds of pubs around the city turned their living rooms into offices. Or, in some cases, made the trek to work. (Women's Wear Daily)
Now that Gawker is back online, they've created a trusty guide to everything you need to know about Sandy, and it's all in one place. (Gawker)
Do you have that shopping bug? Stores around the city are slowly getting back in business — while downtown is still pretty dark, you've got a wealth of options uptown to start your spending spree. (Racked)
If you're feeling a little helpless during this terrible storm, there are some things you can do to help out the community. Many of our favorite neighborhood restos were damaged during the storm, so check out this list of how you can lend a hand. (Grub Street)