Thought your hair would calm the eff down once all that summer humidity was finally gone? No such luck compadres — now you've got to deal with the fuzz caused by dry winter air. Fun!
To deal with the seasonal stress, you could spend $$$ on serums and potions that promise to fight the flyaways, or you could just try this so-simple-it's-genius tip from hairstylist Leah De Ment. All you need is some hairspray, a paddle brush, and literally five seconds of your time. Watch now to find out how she banishes that bothersome frizz for good.
To deal with the seasonal stress, you could spend $$$ on serums and potions that promise to fight the flyaways, or you could just try this so-simple-it's-genius tip from hairstylist Leah De Ment. All you need is some hairspray, a paddle brush, and literally five seconds of your time. Watch now to find out how she banishes that bothersome frizz for good.