"I. Hate. Shopping." Those three words aren't exactly in our vocabulary. Unless we're in dire need of, say, bug spray or cellulite cream, we've never met a retail trip we didn't enjoy. But, we get it: Not everyone is a die-hard browser. Especially when it comes to the fellas, we know hitting the racks doesn't always deliver the same endorphin rush. Unfortunately, there are no more excuses not to switch out your summer duds for cold-weather staples, and that means — yes, guys — making some additions to your wardrobe. To stop the mopey-face-in-the-dressing-room phenomenon (dudes, don't even pretend you don't know what we're talking about),
we searched far and wide for the top-notch fall essentials worth the investment.
Whether you're shopping for your man, or you're one of our loyal male readers, there's no need to look anywhere else to find the season's 30 most on-trend, have-to-have items. With two price options in every category—from rugged brown boots to shawl-collar sweaters — we're letting you, uh, guys get in on this menswear bonanza.
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