We can sum up Monique Lhuillier's tricked-out Upper East Side flagship is in one word: FINALLY! (WWD)
Vivienne Tam's fall and vintage samples are marked 75% off this Wednesday to Friday. Fashion district, here we come. (Racked)
Looks like stationers Paperless Post have gone old school, with yes, paper, as a new option from their otherwise digital design shop. What'll they think up next? (Paperless Post)
New York isn't known for its cushy, forgiving nature, and that's where the heroine of the Hey Girl Hey web series comes in. When the city's got you down and troubled, and offers you zero percent helping hand, HGH says why not go roam around Queens, ransack a dollar store, and knock back some alcohol during the daytime? 60% of the time, it works every time. (Hey Girl Hey)