We don’t mean to toot our own horns (okay, actually we do!), but we’ve wandered into many of S.F.’s wow-worthy watering holes of late — from swanky, romantic bars to joints fit for a little afternoon imbibing. Of course, all in the name of research. So, we thought it was quite interesting to see that Hayes Valley bar Smuggler’s Cove sits high on Drink International’s list of the best bars in the U.S.A. — at #24 to be exact. Don’t get us wrong, we enjoy the tiki-themed rum place (which reminds us of an adult-friendly Disneyland ride) just as much as the next person, but between all the tasty choices in S.F., it has us wondering if this alcoholic accolade is for real. What do you think? Does Smuggler’s Cove deserve the ranking as one of the best in the country — and the only S.F. spot to make the lineup — or are other notable local spots being given the cold shoulder? (Eater SF)
Photo: Via Eater SF

Photo: Via Eater SF