There's a fashion emergency going down on the Hill, and it's not the stereotypical skirt-suit-and-sneakers conundrum. Seersucker Thursday, a tradition honored by members of the Senate and House every third Thursday in June, was quietly discontinued this year, and the supporters of this quirky, all-cotton appreciation day are not happy. In fact, the founder of the tradition, former Senate majority leader Trent Lott, whipped up a petition to bring it back.
One thing's for sure: Washingtonians love their seersucker — think annual Seersucker Socials, Gold Cup, Georgetown on a Thursday night, and you'll see our point — and we're betting that a lightweight cotton suit feels better than any heavy alternative right about now. But what do you think? Should Hill staff be allowed to have a fun dress code all their own? Or is the fight to save seersucker actually a bad thing for Washington's style reputation? (Reliable Source)