UPDATE: Just because you didn't make it out to the beach today doesn't mean that you can't celebrate our nation's birthday properly. Round up your friends and see how many of these spots you can hit. This story was originally published on May 4.
Like any good drink, the margarita has a muddled history. Some say it was named after the daughter of a German ambassador in 1941. Others, like cocktail historian David Wondrich, contend that it was a happy accident; a Tijuana bartender was apparently making a brandy-based Daisy, but reached for the tequila instead. After all, the Spanish word for “daisy” is margarita.Whatever. We only care how they taste. And, with that in mind, we introduce the Refinery29 Margarita Map, your no-brainer guide to quickly finding awesome margs in the nearest ‘hood. On tap, we're serving up classic shaken drinks for the cocktail connoisseur and sweet neon slushies to satisfy your inner spring-breaker. We’ve even cheated a bit to include a few “not-strictly-margarita” margaritas for those of you who like a bit of adventure in your glass. Asking for an extra tequila shot, well, that's up to you.