Sure, she's got an indie flick and that little HBO project written by her, about her life, and starring her and her buds, but somehow Lena Dunham doesn't come off as narcissistic. Or, at least in the typical Hollywood way. She's all, "here is a TV show that's about me but is really relevant to an entire generation," instead of, "do I look hot in these jeans? [twitpic!]" So when we saw her hamming it up at the Levi's Haus for a pre-Emmy dinner that she hosted this week, we were kind of intrigued. Sure, she's got the self-aware thing going on, but damn, girl's got the smizing down, too.
Just check her out in that black mini dress, denim vest, and adorable Mary Janes. We're especially digging her clean-cut, but not done-up look coupled with her new haircut and nude lips. And, she nails the leg pop, surprised expression, and pouty duck face, too. We're kind of shocked, but so happy. Check out the pics and let us know what you think of this new (or the same?) Lena Dunham.